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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Furuncle (boil) (pigsa in Filipino)
Furuncle Alternative names: Infection - hair follicle; Hair follicle infection;
Boils Definition: An infection of the hair follicles. Also see carbunculosis. Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
A furuncle (boil) is a skin infection involving the entire hair follicle and the adjacent subcutaneous tissue. Almost everyone experiences boils at some time in their life. Staphylococcus bacteria are normally found on the skin surface. Damage to the hair follicle allows the bacteria to enter deeper into the tissues of the hair follicle and the subcutaneous tissue. Furuncles may occur in the hair follicles anywhere on the body, but they are most common on the face, neck, armpit, buttocks, and thighs.
Furuncles are generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus but may be caused by other bacteria or fungi. They may begin as a tender red subcutaneous nodule but ultimately become fluctuant (feel like a water-filled balloon). A furuncle may drain spontaneously, producing pus. More often the individual, a parent, or a physician opens them.
Furuncles can be single or multiple. Some people have recurrent bouts with abscesses and little success at preventing them. Furuncles can be very painful if they occur in areas like the ear canal or nose. A health care provider should treat furuncles by the nose. Furuncles that develop close together may expand and join together, a condition called carbunculosis.
skin lesions
small firm tender red nodule in skin (early)
usually pea-sized, may occasionally be as large as a golf ball
pink or red
may grow rapidly
fluctuant nodule (later)
may develop white or yellow centers (pustules)
may weep, ooze, crust (later)
located with hair follicles
tender, mildly to moderately painful
may be single or multiple
may run together (coalesce) or spread to other skin areas
pain increases as pus and dead tissue fills the area
pain decreases as the area drains
skin redness or inflammation around the boil
fever (occasionally)
fatigue (occasionally)
general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling (malaise) (occasionally)
Note: Itching (pruritus) of the skin may occur before the skin lesions develop.
Signs and tests:
Diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin. Skin or mucosal biopsy culture may show staphylococcus or other bacteria.
Boils may heal spontaneously after an initial period of itching and mild pain. More often, they progress to pustules that increase in discomfort as pus collects. They finally burst, drain, and then heal spontaneously.
Boils (furuncles) usually must drain before they will heal. This most often occurs in less than 2 weeks. Boils that persist longer than 2 weeks, recur, are located on the spine or the middle of the face, or that are accompanied by fever or other symptoms require treatment by a health care provider because of the risk of complications from the spread of infection.
Warm moist compresses encourage furuncles to drain, which speeds healing. Gently soak the area with a warm, moist cloth several times each day. Deep or large lesions may need to be drained surgically by the health care provider. Never squeeze a boil or attempt to lance it at home because this can spread the infection and make it worse.
Meticulous hygiene is vital to prevent the spread of infection. Draining lesions should be cleaned frequently. The hands should be washed thoroughly after touching a boil. Do not re-use or share washcloths or towels. Clothing, washcloths, towels, and sheets or other items that contact infected areas should be washed in very hot (preferably boiling) water. Dressings should be changed frequently and discarded in a manner that contains the drainage, such as by placing them in a bag that can be closed tightly before discarding.
Antibacterial soaps, topical (applied to a localized area of the skin) antibiotics are of little benefit once furuncle has formed. Systemic antibiotics may help to control infection. Drainage is the definitive treatment.
Expectations (prognosis):
Full recovery is expected. Some people may experience many repeated episodes.
spread of infection through the circulation to other parts of the body or skin surfaces
abscess formation
sepsis (general internal infection)
abscess of kidneys or other internal organs
brain infection
brain abscess
spinal cord infection
spinal cord abscess
permanent scarring of the skin
Calling your health care provider:
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if furuncles (boils) develop and do not heal with home treatment within 1 week.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if furuncles recur or are located on the face or spine.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if boils are accompanied by fever, red streaks extending from the boil, large fluid collections around the boil, or other symptoms.
good attention to hygiene
antibacterial soaps
antiseptic washes such as pHisoHex or Hibiclens
Boils Definition: An infection of the hair follicles. Also see carbunculosis. Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
A furuncle (boil) is a skin infection involving the entire hair follicle and the adjacent subcutaneous tissue. Almost everyone experiences boils at some time in their life. Staphylococcus bacteria are normally found on the skin surface. Damage to the hair follicle allows the bacteria to enter deeper into the tissues of the hair follicle and the subcutaneous tissue. Furuncles may occur in the hair follicles anywhere on the body, but they are most common on the face, neck, armpit, buttocks, and thighs.
Furuncles are generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus but may be caused by other bacteria or fungi. They may begin as a tender red subcutaneous nodule but ultimately become fluctuant (feel like a water-filled balloon). A furuncle may drain spontaneously, producing pus. More often the individual, a parent, or a physician opens them.
Furuncles can be single or multiple. Some people have recurrent bouts with abscesses and little success at preventing them. Furuncles can be very painful if they occur in areas like the ear canal or nose. A health care provider should treat furuncles by the nose. Furuncles that develop close together may expand and join together, a condition called carbunculosis.
skin lesions
small firm tender red nodule in skin (early)
usually pea-sized, may occasionally be as large as a golf ball
pink or red
may grow rapidly
fluctuant nodule (later)
may develop white or yellow centers (pustules)
may weep, ooze, crust (later)
located with hair follicles
tender, mildly to moderately painful
may be single or multiple
may run together (coalesce) or spread to other skin areas
pain increases as pus and dead tissue fills the area
pain decreases as the area drains
skin redness or inflammation around the boil
fever (occasionally)
fatigue (occasionally)
general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling (malaise) (occasionally)
Note: Itching (pruritus) of the skin may occur before the skin lesions develop.
Signs and tests:
Diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin. Skin or mucosal biopsy culture may show staphylococcus or other bacteria.
Boils may heal spontaneously after an initial period of itching and mild pain. More often, they progress to pustules that increase in discomfort as pus collects. They finally burst, drain, and then heal spontaneously.
Boils (furuncles) usually must drain before they will heal. This most often occurs in less than 2 weeks. Boils that persist longer than 2 weeks, recur, are located on the spine or the middle of the face, or that are accompanied by fever or other symptoms require treatment by a health care provider because of the risk of complications from the spread of infection.
Warm moist compresses encourage furuncles to drain, which speeds healing. Gently soak the area with a warm, moist cloth several times each day. Deep or large lesions may need to be drained surgically by the health care provider. Never squeeze a boil or attempt to lance it at home because this can spread the infection and make it worse.
Meticulous hygiene is vital to prevent the spread of infection. Draining lesions should be cleaned frequently. The hands should be washed thoroughly after touching a boil. Do not re-use or share washcloths or towels. Clothing, washcloths, towels, and sheets or other items that contact infected areas should be washed in very hot (preferably boiling) water. Dressings should be changed frequently and discarded in a manner that contains the drainage, such as by placing them in a bag that can be closed tightly before discarding.
Antibacterial soaps, topical (applied to a localized area of the skin) antibiotics are of little benefit once furuncle has formed. Systemic antibiotics may help to control infection. Drainage is the definitive treatment.
Expectations (prognosis):
Full recovery is expected. Some people may experience many repeated episodes.
spread of infection through the circulation to other parts of the body or skin surfaces
abscess formation
sepsis (general internal infection)
abscess of kidneys or other internal organs
brain infection
brain abscess
spinal cord infection
spinal cord abscess
permanent scarring of the skin
Calling your health care provider:
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if furuncles (boils) develop and do not heal with home treatment within 1 week.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if furuncles recur or are located on the face or spine.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if boils are accompanied by fever, red streaks extending from the boil, large fluid collections around the boil, or other symptoms.
good attention to hygiene
antibacterial soaps
antiseptic washes such as pHisoHex or Hibiclens
Male Breast Cancer (continuation 4)
What is the outcome (prognosis) of male breast cancer?
The prognosis of a patient with male breast cancer is considered similarly to breast cancer in a woman. Overall survival rates for each tumor stage are similar for men and women. Since men have less breast tissue than women, it is more common for breast cancers in men to have spread beyond the breast when they are identified, resulting in a more advanced tumor stage at diagnosis.Five-year survival rates (meaning the percentage of patients who live for at least five years following diagnosis) reported for male breast cancer by stage are:
- Stage 0 - 100%
- Stage I - 96%
- Stage II - 84%
- Stage III - 52%
- Stage IV - 24%
Male Breast Cancer at a Glance
- Male breast cancer is rare and accounts for only about 1% of all breast cancers.
- Breast cancer risk in men is increased by elevated levels of estrogen, previous radiation exposure, and a family history of breast cancer.
- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma is the most common type of male breast cancer.
- A lump beneath the nipple is the most common symptom of male breast cancer.
- Male breast cancer is staged (reflecting the extent of tumor spread) identically to breast cancer in women.
- Surgery is the most common initial treatment for male breast cancer; chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy are also administered.
- The prognosis of male breast cancer, like breast cancer in women, is predominantly influenced by tumor stage.
References: The American Cancer Society
The National Cancer Institute, U.S. National Institutes of Health
The National Cancer Institute, U.S. National Institutes of Health
Male Breast Cancer (continuation 3)
How is male breast cancer treated?
Like breast cancer in women, treatment depends upon the stage of the cancer and the overall physical condition of the patient. Treatments are the same as for breast cancer in women.Most men diagnosed with breast cancer are initially treated by surgery. A modified radical mastectomy (removal of the breast, lining over the chest muscles, and portions of the axillary lymph nodes) is the most common surgical treatment of male breast cancer. Sometimes portions of the muscles of the chest wall are also removed.
After surgery, adjuvant therapies are often prescribed. These are recommended especially if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes (node-positive cancer). Adjuvant therapies include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. In cases of metastatic cancer, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or a combination of both, are generally recommended.
Chemotherapy refers to the administration of toxic drugs that stop the growth of cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be given as pills, as an injection, or via an intravenous infusion, depending upon the types of drugs chosen. Combinations of different drugs are usually given, and treatment is administered in cycles with a recovery period following each treatment. Some of the most common chemotherapeutic agents for treating breast cancer are cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil, and doxorubicin (Adriamycin). In most cases, chemotherapy is administered on an outpatient basis. Chemotherapy may be associated with unpleasant side effects including hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.
Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill tumor cells. Radiation therapy may be delivered either externally (using a machine to send radiation toward the tumor) or internally (radioactive substances placed in needles or catheters and inserted into the body).
Hormonal therapy prevents hormones from stimulating growth of cancer cells and is useful when the cancer cells have binding sites (receptors) for hormones. Male breast cancers usually have estrogen receptors and are most commonly treated with the drug tamoxifen, which blocks the action of estrogen on the cancer cells. Side effects of tamoxifen treatment can include hot flashes, weight gain, mood changes, and impotence.
While estrogen is the most common target of hormonal therapy, studies have also shown that treatments directed against the actions of male hormones (anti-androgens) can also reduce the size of male breast cancer metastases. The reasons why anti-androgens are effective in widespread disease are not fully understood. Orchiectomy (removal of the testes) was formerly performed to lower androgen levels, but newer nonsurgical methods are currently favored. Drugs known as luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs affect the pituitary gland and result in lowered production of male hormones by the testes.
Targeted therapy involves agents that are designed to specifically target one of the cancer-specific changes in cells. An example of targeted therapy is trastuzumab (Herceptin), a monoclonal antibody that blocks the activity the protein known as HER-2-neu that is made by some breast cancers. This treatment is only used in breast cancers whose cells express the HER-2-neu protein and is given intravenously. Trastuzumab has been shown to be effective in women with breast cancer but has not been extensively tested in men with breast cancer. Similarly, Lapatinib (Tykerb) is a drug taken in pill form that also targets the HER2/neu protein. It is used in combination with other agents to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that is no longer responsive to trastuzumab.
If a cancer that has been surgically removed regrows at the original site, this is referred to as local recurrence. Locally recurrent cancers are usually treated by surgery along with chemotherapy, or radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy.
Male Breast Cancer (continuation 2)
How is male breast cancer diagnosed?
Diagnosis of breast cancer requires identifying cancer cells in tissue specimens obtained by biopsy. Since men have little breast tissue, cancers in male breasts are easily palpable (located by feel) and, therefore, are easily accessible to biopsy. Fine needle aspiration or needle biopsy of a suspicious mass can usually establish a diagnosis. A needle is inserted into the mass and tissue from the suspicious area is withdrawn. Microscopic examination of the tissue by a pathologist establishes the diagnosis.Other techniques that may be used to diagnose breast cancer in men include incisional (removing a portion of the suspicious tissue) or excisional (removing the mass in its entirety) biopsy of a breast mass. If nipple discharge is present, microscopic examination of a smear of the discharge can sometimes establish the diagnosis.
Imaging studies such as X-rays, CAT scans (CT scans), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and bone scans may be performed to evaluate the presence and extent of metastatic disease once the initial diagnosis of breast cancer has been made.
What is staging of male breast cancer?
Staging is carried out to determine the extent to which a cancer has spread within the body. Staging of breast cancer in men is carried out identically to the staging of breast cancer in women. The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM system takes into account the tumor size, lymph node involvement by cancer, and presence of metastasis:- T: tumor size and extent of local spread
- N: extent of tumor involvement of lymph nodes in the axillary (underarm) region. Since the nipple area is rich in lymphatic vessels, male breast cancer commonly spreads via the lymphatic channels to the axillary lymph nodes (When the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes, doctors sometimes use the term "lymph node-positive" cancer).
- M: presence of distant metastases (spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic vessels)
Stage 0 refers to intraductal carcinoma, in which the cancer cells have not spread beyond the boundaries of the ducts themselves.
Stage I
In Stage I breast cancer, the tumor is 2 cm or less in greatest diameter and has not spread to the lymph nodes or to other sites in the body.
Stage II
Stage II cancers are divided into two groups. Stage IIA cancer is either less than 2 cm in diameter with spread to the axillary lymph nodes, or the tumor is between 2-5 cm but has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes. Stage IIB tumors are either larger than 5 cm without spread to the lymph nodes or are between 2-5 cm in size and have spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
Stage III
Stage III is considered to be locally advanced cancer. Stage IIIA means the tumor is smaller than 5 cm but has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, and the axillary lymph nodes are attached to each other or to other structures; or the tumor is greater than 5 cm in diameter with spread to the axillary lymph nodes, which may be attached to each other or to other structures. Stage IIIB tumors have spread to surrounding tissues such as skin, chest wall, and ribs, or to the lymph nodes inside the chest wall.
Stage IV
Stage IV cancer refers to metastatic cancer, meaning it has spread to other parts of the body. With breast cancer, metastases (sites of tumor elsewhere in the body) are most often found in the bones, lungs, liver, or brain. Stage IV cancer is also diagnosed when the tumor can be found in the lymph nodes of the neck.
Male Breast Cancer (continuation)
What are the different types of male breast cancer?
The most common type of male breast cancer is infiltrating ductal carcinoma, which is also a common type of breast cancer in women. Ductal carcinoma refers to cancers with origins in the ducts (tubular structures) of the breast, and the term infiltrating means that the cancer cells have spread beyond the ducts into the surrounding tissue. On the other hand, lobular cancers (cancers of the milk glands), common in women, are extremely rare in men since male breast tissue does not normally contain lobules.Other uncommon types of cancers of the breast that have been reported in men include ductal carcinoma in situ (cancer in the ducts that has not spread beyond the ducts themselves), cystosarcoma phylloides (a type of cancer of the connective tissue surrounding the ducts), and Paget's disease of the breast (a cancer involving the skin of the nipple). Some other types of breast cancer that occur in men are named for their growth patterns and microscopic appearance of the cancer cells, including papillary carcinoma, inflammatory carcinoma, and medullary carcinoma.
About 85% of breast cancers in men have estrogen receptors on their cell membranes. Estrogen receptors on the cell membranes allow estrogen molecules to bind to the cancer cells. Estrogen binding to the cancer cells stimulates cell growth and multiplication.
What are the signs and symptoms of male breast cancer?
The most common symptom of breast cancer in men is finding a firm, non-painful mass located just below the nipple. The average size of breast cancer in men when first discovered is about 2.5 cm in diameter. The cancer may cause skin changes in the area of the nipple. These changes can include ulceration of the skin, puckering or dimpling, redness or scaling of the nipple, or retraction (turning inward) of the nipple. Bloody or opaque discharge from the nipple may also occur.Breast cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the bones may also produce bone pain at the sites of metastases. Advanced breast cancer can also produce symptoms typical of many cancers, including malaise, weakness, and weight loss.
Male Breast Cancer
Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD
Medical Editors: Dennis Lee, MD and William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
Breast tissue in both young boys and girls consists of tubular structures known as ducts. At puberty, a girl's ovaries produce female hormones (estrogen) that cause the ducts to grow and milk glands (lobules) to develop at the ends of the ducts. The amount of fat and connective tissue in the breast also increases as girls reach puberty. On the other hand, male hormones (such as testosterone) secreted by the testes suppress the growth of breast tissue and the development of lobules. The male breast, therefore, is made up of predominantly small, undeveloped ducts and a small amount of fat and connective tissue.
Radiation exposure
Exposure to ionizing radiation has been associated with an increased risk of developing male breast cancer. Men who have previously undergone radiation therapy to treat malignancies in the chest area (for example, Hodgkin's lymphoma) have an increased risk for the development of breast cancer.
Hyperestrogenism (high levels of estrogen)
Men normally produce small amounts of the female hormone estrogen, but certain conditions result in abnormally high levels of estrogen in men. The term gynecomastia refers to the condition in which the male breasts become abnormally enlarged in response to elevated levels of estrogen. High levels of estrogens also can increase the risk for development of male breast cancer. The majority of breast cancers in men are estrogen receptor-positive (meaning that they grow in response to stimulation with estrogen). Two conditions in which men have abnormally high levels of estrogen that are commonly associated with breast enlargement are Klinefelter's syndrome and cirrhosis of the liver. Obesity is also associated with elevated estrogen levels and breast enlargement in men.
Klinefelter's syndrome is an inherited condition affecting about one in 1,000 men. A normal man has two sex chromosomes (X and Y). He inherited the female X chromosome from his mother and the male Y chromosome from his father. Men with Klinefelter's syndrome have inherited an extra female X chromosome, resulting in an abnormal sex chromosome makeup of XXY rather than the normal male XY. Affected Klinefelter's patients produce high levels of estrogen and develop enlarged breasts, sparse facial and body hair, small testes, and the inability to produce sperm. Some studies have shown an increase in the risk of developing breast cancer in men with this condition. Their risk for development of breast cancer is markedly increased, up to 50 times that of normal men.
Cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver can result from chronic alcohol abuse, chronic viral hepatitis, or rare genetic conditions that result in accumulation of toxic substances within the liver. The liver produces important binding proteins that affect the transport and delivery of male and female hormones via the bloodstream. With cirrhosis, liver function is compromised, and the levels of male and female hormones in the bloodstream are altered. Men with cirrhosis of the liver have higher blood levels of estrogen and have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Familial predisposition
Epidemiologic studies have shown that men who have several female relatives with breast cancer also have an increased risk for development of the disease. In particular, men who have inherited mutations in the breast cancer-associated BRCA-2 gene have a dramatically increased (about 80-fold) risk for developing breast cancer, with a lifetime risk of about 5%-10% for development of breast cancer. BRCA-2 is a gene on chromosome 13 that normally functions in suppression of cell growth. Mutations in this gene lead to an increased risk for development of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers. About 15% of breast cancers in men are thought to be attributable to BRCA-2 mutation. The role of the BRCA-1 gene, which has been associated with inherited breast cancers in women, is not as clearly defined for male breast cancers.
Medical Editors: Dennis Lee, MD and William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
What is male breast cancer?
Men possess a small amount of nonfunctioning breast tissue (breast tissue that cannot produce milk) that is concentrated in the area directly behind the nipple on the chest wall. Like breast cancer in women, cancer of the male breast is the uncontrolled growth of the cells of this breast tissue.Breast tissue in both young boys and girls consists of tubular structures known as ducts. At puberty, a girl's ovaries produce female hormones (estrogen) that cause the ducts to grow and milk glands (lobules) to develop at the ends of the ducts. The amount of fat and connective tissue in the breast also increases as girls reach puberty. On the other hand, male hormones (such as testosterone) secreted by the testes suppress the growth of breast tissue and the development of lobules. The male breast, therefore, is made up of predominantly small, undeveloped ducts and a small amount of fat and connective tissue.
How common is male breast cancer?
Male breast cancer is a rare condition, accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2008, about 1,990 new cases of breast cancer in men will be diagnosed, and that breast cancer will cause approximately 480 deaths in men (in comparison, over 40,000 women die of breast cancer each year). Breast cancer is 100 times more common in women than in men. Most cases of male breast cancer are detected in men between the ages of 60 and 70, although the condition can develop in men of any age. A man's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is about one-tenth of 1%, or one in 1,000.What are causes and risk factors of male breast cancer?
As with cancer of the female breast, the cause of cancer of the male breast has not been fully characterized, but both environmental influences and genetic (inherited) factors likely play a role in its development. The following risk factors for the development of male breast cancer have been identified.Radiation exposure
Exposure to ionizing radiation has been associated with an increased risk of developing male breast cancer. Men who have previously undergone radiation therapy to treat malignancies in the chest area (for example, Hodgkin's lymphoma) have an increased risk for the development of breast cancer.
Hyperestrogenism (high levels of estrogen)
Men normally produce small amounts of the female hormone estrogen, but certain conditions result in abnormally high levels of estrogen in men. The term gynecomastia refers to the condition in which the male breasts become abnormally enlarged in response to elevated levels of estrogen. High levels of estrogens also can increase the risk for development of male breast cancer. The majority of breast cancers in men are estrogen receptor-positive (meaning that they grow in response to stimulation with estrogen). Two conditions in which men have abnormally high levels of estrogen that are commonly associated with breast enlargement are Klinefelter's syndrome and cirrhosis of the liver. Obesity is also associated with elevated estrogen levels and breast enlargement in men.
Klinefelter's syndrome is an inherited condition affecting about one in 1,000 men. A normal man has two sex chromosomes (X and Y). He inherited the female X chromosome from his mother and the male Y chromosome from his father. Men with Klinefelter's syndrome have inherited an extra female X chromosome, resulting in an abnormal sex chromosome makeup of XXY rather than the normal male XY. Affected Klinefelter's patients produce high levels of estrogen and develop enlarged breasts, sparse facial and body hair, small testes, and the inability to produce sperm. Some studies have shown an increase in the risk of developing breast cancer in men with this condition. Their risk for development of breast cancer is markedly increased, up to 50 times that of normal men.
Cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver can result from chronic alcohol abuse, chronic viral hepatitis, or rare genetic conditions that result in accumulation of toxic substances within the liver. The liver produces important binding proteins that affect the transport and delivery of male and female hormones via the bloodstream. With cirrhosis, liver function is compromised, and the levels of male and female hormones in the bloodstream are altered. Men with cirrhosis of the liver have higher blood levels of estrogen and have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Familial predisposition
Epidemiologic studies have shown that men who have several female relatives with breast cancer also have an increased risk for development of the disease. In particular, men who have inherited mutations in the breast cancer-associated BRCA-2 gene have a dramatically increased (about 80-fold) risk for developing breast cancer, with a lifetime risk of about 5%-10% for development of breast cancer. BRCA-2 is a gene on chromosome 13 that normally functions in suppression of cell growth. Mutations in this gene lead to an increased risk for development of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers. About 15% of breast cancers in men are thought to be attributable to BRCA-2 mutation. The role of the BRCA-1 gene, which has been associated with inherited breast cancers in women, is not as clearly defined for male breast cancers.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
callcenter job? sykes is the answer on your dreams
@Sykes Events: Apply at SYKES CAREERFEST in MARIKINA on October 2 at Ivy Lane, Riverbanks Center, Marikina City 10am-5pm! Bring 2 copies of your resume and ID!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
ABS-CBN Releases a Statement Regarding Willie Revillame’s Rumored Show on TV5
September 16, 2010 by
ABS-CBN has issued a statement in response to the reports about Willie Revillame‘s upcoming show with TV5.
ABS-CBN is reminding Willie Revillame that he still has contract obligations with the Kapamilya network.
In a statement which was emailed by Mr. Bong Osorio (Head, ABS-CBN Corporate Communications) to Starmometer, the Kapamilya network is ready to take legal action if Willie Revillame inks contract with another tv station:
According to reports, Willie Revillame (together with some staff and dancers who left Wowowee) is already taping the first episodes of his new program “Willing-Willie Kami” on TV5. The said program is reportedly premiering on October 10, 2010.

In a statement which was emailed by Mr. Bong Osorio (Head, ABS-CBN Corporate Communications) to Starmometer, the Kapamilya network is ready to take legal action if Willie Revillame inks contract with another tv station:
We have filed our official response to Willie’s complaints. We are aware that his supposed program that will air in another station on October 10 has been publicized.
We would like to reiterate however that Willie continues to be bound to ABS-CBN and we will challenge in court any contract involving his production or exhibition of another program with another network.
–Bong R. Osorio
Head, ABS-CBN Corporate Communications
According to reports, Willie Revillame (together with some staff and dancers who left Wowowee) is already taping the first episodes of his new program “Willing-Willie Kami” on TV5. The said program is reportedly premiering on October 10, 2010.
Here is the official list of Noynoy Aquino cabinet members 2010
President Noynoy Aquino recently meet the press and announced to the public the names or the list of his cabinet members. These public officials are appointed as key persons in each departments held by the president under his 6-years term.
On his top cabinet post, Atty. Eduardo De Mesa is appointed as Presidential Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of UP. Atty. De Mesa will serve as the one and only legal counsel of President Aquino unlike the previous presidents who had several appointees for the said position.
The full list of President Noynoy Aquino’s cabinet members are as follows:
On his top cabinet post, Atty. Eduardo De Mesa is appointed as Presidential Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of UP. Atty. De Mesa will serve as the one and only legal counsel of President Aquino unlike the previous presidents who had several appointees for the said position.
The full list of President Noynoy Aquino’s cabinet members are as follows:
- Executive Secretary – Paquito Ochoa Jr.
- Presidential Management Staff – Julia Abad
- Presidential Spokesperson – Edwin Lacierda
- Presidential Legal Counsel – Eduardo de Mesa
- Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA Secretary) – Sec. Alberto Romulo
- Department of Finance (DoF Secretary) – Cesar Purisima
- Department of Justice (DOJ Secretary) – Leila de Lima
- Department of National Defense (DND Secretary) – Voltaire Gazmin
- National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA Secretary) – Cayetano Paderanga
- Department of Education (DepEd Secretary) – Br. Armin Luistro
- Department of Budget and Management – Florencio Abad
- Department of Agriculture (DOA Secretary) – Rep. Proceso Alcala
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR Secretary) – Ramon Paje
- Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC Secretary) – Jose Ping de Jesus
- Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) – Rosalinda Baldoz
- Department of Health (DOH Secretary) – Dr. Enrique Ona
- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI Secretary) – Gregory Domingo
- Department of Tourism (DOT Secretary) – Alberto Lim
- Social Welfare and Development – Corazon Soliman
- Science and Technology (DOST Secretary) – Mario Montejo
- Department of Energy (DOE Secretary) – Jose Rene Almendras
- Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH Secretary) – Rogelio Singson
- Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR Secretary) – Virgilio delos Reyes
- Adviser on the Peace Process – Teresita Deles
- Commission on Higher Education (CHED Secretary) – Patricia Licuanan
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR Secretary) – Kim Henares
- “Truth Commission” – Former Chief Justice Hilario Davide
- Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff – Maj. Gen. Ric David
- Philippine National Police chief – Gen. Jesus Verzosa
- Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) – President Noynoy Aquino
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Philippines is No. 7 in the World of Beauty Pageants
The fourth runner up finish of Venus Raj in the recently-concluded Miss Universe 2010 pageant put the Philippines in 7th place of the world’s beauty pageant ranking.
Pageant website has been ranking more than 150 countries based on their performance in major beauty pageants in the world: Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss Earth and Miss International. They give points to each winning, runner-ups and semi-final placements from each country and consolidate their totals to determine their ranking.
The Philippines ranked 8th in 2009 but after the fourth runner up finish of Venus Raj in the Miss Universe pageant, RP climbed one notch to no. 7 behind pageant leaders Venezuela, USA, India and Mexico:
The ranking changes after each one of the grand slam pageants conclude
The fourth runner up finish of Venus Raj in the recently-concluded Miss Universe 2010 pageant put the Philippines in 7th place of the world’s beauty pageant ranking.
The Philippines ranked 8th in 2009 but after the fourth runner up finish of Venus Raj in the Miss Universe pageant, RP climbed one notch to no. 7 behind pageant leaders Venezuela, USA, India and Mexico:
The ranking changes after each one of the grand slam pageants conclude
Response to "Mr. President, Something In You Has To Die"
by Noynoy Aquino on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 6:36pm
This is in response to:
Hello, Reyn. This is your President.
First of all, thank you for your note on Facebook. Such insights from concerned citizens are vital in a maturing democracy such as ours, where all avenues and technologies should be explored in order to raise the level of public discourse. However, thoughts expressed in such sites, which can sometimes be incendiary, spread easily without the necessary validation. This is why I felt the need to respond to your letter.
Your comments against my Cabinet seem to prejudge them without taking a hard look at the reality. For example, I do not believe that my Communications team writes fiction. When have they ever lied or not sought to tell the truth?
We do agree on one thing: the last administration wrongly governed. You supported us because like you, we condemned the nine years of corruption under the previous dispensation. You may not be fully aware of the magnitude of the problems we have inherited, such as midnight appointments by the last administration, which sought to embed in our bureaucracy people who do not share our mission of reform. There is also the increase over the last decade in the number of people living in poverty. The deterioration of our corruption ratings was laid out before the world, making our country less attractive to foreign investors. I do not believe it is realistic, as suggested by your letter, to change everything in two months.
We gave ourselves a more reasonable timeline, two years in fact, to show evidence of real transformation. In the last two months, we have been surprised by very encouraging developments that the changes we envisioned, and promised to our people, might actually be achieved in a shorter time. These are developments, which unfortunately, seem to have been overshadowed for now by the hostage taking tragedy.
One of the priorities that I have repeatedly said my government will focus on is job generation. Just last week, a call center by Convergys was inaugurated in Manila. This facility will provide 5,000 new jobs on top of their existing 17,000-strong workforce.
In a recent courtesy call to me, a major European bank guaranteed an increase in investments by three times the current level with their exposure here in the Philippines.
The forthcoming US trip will likewise reinforce this bullishness on our country’s growth through the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs.
In addition, I will be on hand to receive a $430 million grant from the US government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation.
In the last two months, we were also successful in terminating contracts to procure overpriced equipment for the Department of Agriculture. The P60 million acquisition price has been brought down by nearly half, to P32 million.
We are also tightening procurement for police equipment, to improve our law enforcers’ ability to deal with future hostage-taking incidents and other law enforcement challenges.
Let me also remind you that in the recently submitted budget to Congress, we have sought to make real the campaign pledge to fight poverty. The budget puts in place promised improvements in health and education, and conditional cash transfers. If we are able to sustain them over the life of my administration, we will help lift millions of Filipinos out of poverty.
It has always been my personal philosophy not to overly play up achievements that any government should have been doing in the first place. Perhaps my administration should be doing more to highlight this, but the simple truth is that we are working hard to solve our problems.
I understand that much of your frustration stems from the unfortunate crisis that befell our nation, but my administration will not be defined by this tragedy. It will be defined by what we have already achieved and what we will still achieve in the future.
Again, thank you for your note.
This is in response to:
Hello, Reyn. This is your President.
First of all, thank you for your note on Facebook. Such insights from concerned citizens are vital in a maturing democracy such as ours, where all avenues and technologies should be explored in order to raise the level of public discourse. However, thoughts expressed in such sites, which can sometimes be incendiary, spread easily without the necessary validation. This is why I felt the need to respond to your letter.
Your comments against my Cabinet seem to prejudge them without taking a hard look at the reality. For example, I do not believe that my Communications team writes fiction. When have they ever lied or not sought to tell the truth?
We do agree on one thing: the last administration wrongly governed. You supported us because like you, we condemned the nine years of corruption under the previous dispensation. You may not be fully aware of the magnitude of the problems we have inherited, such as midnight appointments by the last administration, which sought to embed in our bureaucracy people who do not share our mission of reform. There is also the increase over the last decade in the number of people living in poverty. The deterioration of our corruption ratings was laid out before the world, making our country less attractive to foreign investors. I do not believe it is realistic, as suggested by your letter, to change everything in two months.
We gave ourselves a more reasonable timeline, two years in fact, to show evidence of real transformation. In the last two months, we have been surprised by very encouraging developments that the changes we envisioned, and promised to our people, might actually be achieved in a shorter time. These are developments, which unfortunately, seem to have been overshadowed for now by the hostage taking tragedy.
One of the priorities that I have repeatedly said my government will focus on is job generation. Just last week, a call center by Convergys was inaugurated in Manila. This facility will provide 5,000 new jobs on top of their existing 17,000-strong workforce.
In a recent courtesy call to me, a major European bank guaranteed an increase in investments by three times the current level with their exposure here in the Philippines.
The forthcoming US trip will likewise reinforce this bullishness on our country’s growth through the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs.
In addition, I will be on hand to receive a $430 million grant from the US government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation.
In the last two months, we were also successful in terminating contracts to procure overpriced equipment for the Department of Agriculture. The P60 million acquisition price has been brought down by nearly half, to P32 million.
We are also tightening procurement for police equipment, to improve our law enforcers’ ability to deal with future hostage-taking incidents and other law enforcement challenges.
Let me also remind you that in the recently submitted budget to Congress, we have sought to make real the campaign pledge to fight poverty. The budget puts in place promised improvements in health and education, and conditional cash transfers. If we are able to sustain them over the life of my administration, we will help lift millions of Filipinos out of poverty.
It has always been my personal philosophy not to overly play up achievements that any government should have been doing in the first place. Perhaps my administration should be doing more to highlight this, but the simple truth is that we are working hard to solve our problems.
I understand that much of your frustration stems from the unfortunate crisis that befell our nation, but my administration will not be defined by this tragedy. It will be defined by what we have already achieved and what we will still achieve in the future.
Again, thank you for your note.
Mr. President, Something In You Has To Die
by Reyn Barnido on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 9:34pm
This is not anymore about failing to handle the hostage-taking as much as this is about fulfilling the promises of your oath-taking. This is not just about nine people losing their lives, but ninety million citizens losing their national pride. This is not about a singular madman shooting bullets up and down; this is about an orgy of fools shooting lies left and right. This is not anymore about the negotiators’ inefficiency to convince a police officer to surrender, but the government’s incapacity to comfort a nation. This is not about the Police; this is about the Presidency.
I have visions of you staring at your breakfast table, unmindful for the first time of the tempting plate of sizzling chicharon and frozen bottle of Coke regular, and asking yourself, “Where did I go wrong?” as you blow heart-shaped smokes in the air. That is wishful thinking I know. Chances are you chomp on the chicharon with gusto as you invent new excuses in your mind.
Mr. President, we did not switch from cheerleaders to cynics because of a singular incident caused by a madman. Our process was a metamorphosis catalyzed by a series of excuses and inconsistencies over the past two months. They don’t paint you as a man in control; rather they portray a group of helpless officials in utter disarray like rats scrambling from the basement of a burning building. You are the hub of a bunch of incompetent fools whose idea of honesty is withholding the truth until someone slips and whose interpretation of transparency is to let the media and the public wrestle the facts from their mouths like fishes dangling from hooks.
This is not a flaw in the character of your administration; this inefficiency has become your defining trait.
We don’t deserve this, Sir. This is not the covenant we entered into during your oath-taking. Now, since you don’t have the time to reflect, I will help you articulate some of the lessons that you should learn about your administration. Understand that I am taking your word when you said that we are your bosses. So, pay attention:
Your Dream Team of a cabinet is really just that – they excel in dreaming. You craft your government strategy based on high-brow vision statements which your team built like castles in the sand. But there never was a concrete strategy to transform the nation. From visions you get inspiration, but only from well-crafted strategy will you get confidence and courage to govern. Inspiration melts in the face of a crisis situation. Rebuild you team, for there never was a team to begin with.
I grew up in the shadows of the Abads, Soliman, Deles – the patriarch and matriarchs of your administration. From them I learned everything alternative when I was a student leader: alternative education, alternative lifestyle, alternative politics, alternative Christmas, alternative governance. Do not take their analysis of society at face value for theirs is a construct designed to fuel a protest movement, not manage a large bureaucracy. Do your own analysis and dialogue this with those prescribed by your consultants and mentors.
Having a BFF for an Executive Secretary only helps you in trusting the man’s loyalty, it doesn’t mean he can be trusted with the deliverables. You talked about the importance of training our police force and yet you brought in an inexperienced and untrained man to become the Little President? The Cabinet, Sir, as my friend Trixie once said, is not a training ground. I have no problem if women and wine are his coping mechanisms; but to be seen in public doing that while people are hurting reminds us of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning.
Your Communications Team was impressive when you were still running for the position. They were excellent in writing fiction; communicating the truth is a different discipline altogether. And they might not be the right men for the task, considering that they don’t even communicate among themselves. And Sir, this is not just about the Black Monday; they have been sending apologies since Day One. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
Jesse Robredo, God bless his soul, is a good man. He was an excellent Mayor. But his glaring ineptitude was exposed during these last few days. He never had any experience nor exposure on a national level, Sir. If you find his contribution indispensable, just create a new office, like Presidential Assistant for Municipal Affairs or something.
Come out from the protective shell, Mr. President. Do not be afraid to be caught in the line of fire for it is the sacred space where your salvation can happen.
I hope you realize that DEATH is a key element in your life journey as a man and as a leader. A year ago, the death of your mother fuelled a national movement that catapulted you from being Kris’ brother to a president. A year later, the death of nine victims fuelled a nationwide disgust that can bring you down from the pedestal to a pigsty where years of eating chicharon will be avenged.
Do not be afraid, for something in you has to die so that the real Noynoy will emerge better and wiser.
Embrace the Black Monday as your Good Friday Mr. President. Do not resist the crucifixion for as our faith tells us it is the only way to a new life. Yours, and ours.
Believe it or not, your cheerers may have become cynics, but they are still your companions in this journey. I, for one, will not abandon you Mr. President.
This is not anymore about failing to handle the hostage-taking as much as this is about fulfilling the promises of your oath-taking. This is not just about nine people losing their lives, but ninety million citizens losing their national pride. This is not about a singular madman shooting bullets up and down; this is about an orgy of fools shooting lies left and right. This is not anymore about the negotiators’ inefficiency to convince a police officer to surrender, but the government’s incapacity to comfort a nation. This is not about the Police; this is about the Presidency.
I have visions of you staring at your breakfast table, unmindful for the first time of the tempting plate of sizzling chicharon and frozen bottle of Coke regular, and asking yourself, “Where did I go wrong?” as you blow heart-shaped smokes in the air. That is wishful thinking I know. Chances are you chomp on the chicharon with gusto as you invent new excuses in your mind.
Mr. President, we did not switch from cheerleaders to cynics because of a singular incident caused by a madman. Our process was a metamorphosis catalyzed by a series of excuses and inconsistencies over the past two months. They don’t paint you as a man in control; rather they portray a group of helpless officials in utter disarray like rats scrambling from the basement of a burning building. You are the hub of a bunch of incompetent fools whose idea of honesty is withholding the truth until someone slips and whose interpretation of transparency is to let the media and the public wrestle the facts from their mouths like fishes dangling from hooks.
This is not a flaw in the character of your administration; this inefficiency has become your defining trait.
We don’t deserve this, Sir. This is not the covenant we entered into during your oath-taking. Now, since you don’t have the time to reflect, I will help you articulate some of the lessons that you should learn about your administration. Understand that I am taking your word when you said that we are your bosses. So, pay attention:
Your Dream Team of a cabinet is really just that – they excel in dreaming. You craft your government strategy based on high-brow vision statements which your team built like castles in the sand. But there never was a concrete strategy to transform the nation. From visions you get inspiration, but only from well-crafted strategy will you get confidence and courage to govern. Inspiration melts in the face of a crisis situation. Rebuild you team, for there never was a team to begin with.
I grew up in the shadows of the Abads, Soliman, Deles – the patriarch and matriarchs of your administration. From them I learned everything alternative when I was a student leader: alternative education, alternative lifestyle, alternative politics, alternative Christmas, alternative governance. Do not take their analysis of society at face value for theirs is a construct designed to fuel a protest movement, not manage a large bureaucracy. Do your own analysis and dialogue this with those prescribed by your consultants and mentors.
Having a BFF for an Executive Secretary only helps you in trusting the man’s loyalty, it doesn’t mean he can be trusted with the deliverables. You talked about the importance of training our police force and yet you brought in an inexperienced and untrained man to become the Little President? The Cabinet, Sir, as my friend Trixie once said, is not a training ground. I have no problem if women and wine are his coping mechanisms; but to be seen in public doing that while people are hurting reminds us of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning.
Your Communications Team was impressive when you were still running for the position. They were excellent in writing fiction; communicating the truth is a different discipline altogether. And they might not be the right men for the task, considering that they don’t even communicate among themselves. And Sir, this is not just about the Black Monday; they have been sending apologies since Day One. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
Jesse Robredo, God bless his soul, is a good man. He was an excellent Mayor. But his glaring ineptitude was exposed during these last few days. He never had any experience nor exposure on a national level, Sir. If you find his contribution indispensable, just create a new office, like Presidential Assistant for Municipal Affairs or something.
Come out from the protective shell, Mr. President. Do not be afraid to be caught in the line of fire for it is the sacred space where your salvation can happen.
I hope you realize that DEATH is a key element in your life journey as a man and as a leader. A year ago, the death of your mother fuelled a national movement that catapulted you from being Kris’ brother to a president. A year later, the death of nine victims fuelled a nationwide disgust that can bring you down from the pedestal to a pigsty where years of eating chicharon will be avenged.
Do not be afraid, for something in you has to die so that the real Noynoy will emerge better and wiser.
Embrace the Black Monday as your Good Friday Mr. President. Do not resist the crucifixion for as our faith tells us it is the only way to a new life. Yours, and ours.
Believe it or not, your cheerers may have become cynics, but they are still your companions in this journey. I, for one, will not abandon you Mr. President.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Manila-based Muslims mark Eid'l Fitr at Quirino Grandstand
Image via Wikipedia
Amid forecasts of rains, the Quirino Grandstand in Manila on Friday became the venue of a joyous celebration as the Muslim community marked the end of the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.
Radio dzBB's Carlo Mateo reported Friday several Muslims trooped to the open space at Quirino Grandstand as early as before 6 a.m. to pray and mark Eid'l Fitr.
Thousands of other Muslims also trooped to the Golden Mosque in Manila's Quiapo district before dawn Friday to mark Eid'l Fitr, where the imam there stressed the need for peace, unity and forgiveness.
Meanwhile, the Manila Police District said the celebrations had been peaceful, with no untoward incidents recorded as of 8 a.m.
The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said an Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) will be affecting Mindanao while moderate to strong southwesterly windflow prevails over Northern and Central Luzon.
"Mindanao, Northern and Central Luzon will experience mostly cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms. The rest of the country will be partly cloudy to cloudy with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms," it said in its 5 a.m. bulletin.
President Aquino, through Proclamation 26, declared September 10 a regular holiday in order to promote cultural understanding and integration. In issuing pay rules during the Eid’l Fitr, Labor department Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz quoted Aquino as saying in the proclamation that “the entire Filipino nation should have full opportunity to join their Muslim brothers and sisters in the observance and celebration of Eid’l Fitr." — LBG, GMANews.TV
Cambridge edges Harvard as top university in new survey
LONDON (AFP) - – Cambridge University has edged out Harvard to become the first non-US university to top a global ranking, according to a survey released Wednesday.
The British-based Cambridge knocked Harvard out of the top spot for the first time in the seven-year history of the QS World University Rankings released by the London consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds Limited.
The survey, which in previous years had been conducted with The Times of London, had six American and four British schools in the top 10.
US-based Yale University was ranked third, followed by University College London, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford University, Imperial College London, the University of Chicago, California Institute of Technology and Princeton University.
There were 22 countries represented in the top 100, up from 19 last year, in the ranking that surveyed over 15,000 academics and 5,000 employers.
Although Harvard was the most popular among the employers polled globally, Cambridge edged ahead overall and was rated the best for research quality.
"Unlike other rankings systems which rely heavily on statistical indicators of university research, QS also takes into account the most up-to-date views of employers and academics, reflecting the broader interests of students and parents," said QS researcher Ben Sowter. "QS rankings reflect the highly competitive environment of global higher education."
Global university rankings have been a source of controversy, especially in Europe.
Another widely recognized survey by the Chinese-based Jiaotong University's Centre for World-Class Universities last month showed Harvard at the top for the eighth straight year, drawing criticism in Europe because it relied largely on scientific research.
Eight of the top 10 in the Chinese survey were US universities, with Cambridge ranked fifth and Oxford 10th.
wanted! lugawan sa parian( farconville subd) na nagsukli skin neto!
ano gagawin nyo if ganito ung nakuha nyong sukli sa tindahan. di nyo agad napansin and yet ayaw palitan nung nagsukli sau? ipagpipilitan mo bang "sau galing yan e"?,,the best option sa bangko,,,nag inquire aq sa landbank guard aun ang sabi sa monday pwdng papalitan same value daw! ,,nest time buksan nyo muna mga sukli nyo ppra di kau matulad skin.ok lng sana if 20.00 lng e 100 san ka mkakapulot ng ganung halaga.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Life of Working at a Call Center
Call centers are now everywhere nowadays. Many industries make use of call centers as the blood life of their businesses.
Being considered as one of the most in demand jobs day, many are aspiring to enter the world of call centers. But not all are qualified in this job. And to decide if you are suit for this job, the following can help you decide.
Call centers consist of a number of desks or cubicles, each with a telephone and computer system. There are benefits as well as limitations of working in a call centre. Taking a look at both may help you decide if it is the right occupation for you.
One who wants to work in a call center should be able to multi-task by using the telephone and computer at the same time, as well as thinking quickly and often selling a product too.
You also have to work in an unsociable shift pattern since most call centers are 24 hours a day. This may suit you but to some may not. You must be prepared also with frequent changes in shift, or being expected to work overtime at short notice, this could be said to be a limitation of this job.
If you want to work in quiet condition, call center is absolutely not suited for you. A typical call center is set to have a 50 other staff in the same room as you, all talking on the telephone, plus the sound of keyboards being typed upon. You may also have to contend with the sound of the telephones ringing.
The main inconvenience this job is taking complaints from the general public. It means that you have to be calm and efficient while you are in your shift no matter how obnoxious or angry the person on the other end of the telephone is.
On the other hand, working in a call center as many benefits too. Some of these are the following:
If you feel that that this could be a good job for you, employment agencies are a good place to find openings.
Call centers are now everywhere nowadays. Many industries make use of call centers as the blood life of their businesses.
Being considered as one of the most in demand jobs day, many are aspiring to enter the world of call centers. But not all are qualified in this job. And to decide if you are suit for this job, the following can help you decide.
Call centers consist of a number of desks or cubicles, each with a telephone and computer system. There are benefits as well as limitations of working in a call centre. Taking a look at both may help you decide if it is the right occupation for you.
One who wants to work in a call center should be able to multi-task by using the telephone and computer at the same time, as well as thinking quickly and often selling a product too.
You also have to work in an unsociable shift pattern since most call centers are 24 hours a day. This may suit you but to some may not. You must be prepared also with frequent changes in shift, or being expected to work overtime at short notice, this could be said to be a limitation of this job.
If you want to work in quiet condition, call center is absolutely not suited for you. A typical call center is set to have a 50 other staff in the same room as you, all talking on the telephone, plus the sound of keyboards being typed upon. You may also have to contend with the sound of the telephones ringing.
The main inconvenience this job is taking complaints from the general public. It means that you have to be calm and efficient while you are in your shift no matter how obnoxious or angry the person on the other end of the telephone is.
On the other hand, working in a call center as many benefits too. Some of these are the following:
- The team spirit that is often present between workers.
- Call centre employees tend to all come from a similar demographic background, which also helps everyone to get along.
- The mix of male and female employees is usually around 50/50 which can also help the atmosphere to remain fun and happy.
- Most of the work involves paying attention to the time you spend on the telephone, the sales you have to make, and sticking to a script for your conversations.
- For those who consistently meet the targets set for them, there are usually opportunities to move up to team leader and then supervisor.
If you feel that that this could be a good job for you, employment agencies are a good place to find openings.
Ang yaya ni Piolo ang nanalo sa Survivor Philippines Celebrity Edition?
(yaya ni piolo pascual sa speed babad commercial)
Katatapos pa lamang umere ng Survivor Philippines Celebrity Edition ay kumakalat na sa twitter na ang nanalo raw sa nasabing reality program ng GMA ay ang yaya ni Piolo Pascual na si Moi Marcampo.
Ang nasabing leakage na si Moi ang nagwagi sa Survivor Philippines ay nagmula raw diumano sa mga Twitter accounts ng ilang mga kapamilya celebrities.
Pero ayon kay Raymond Gutierrez, ang kakambal ng host ng Survivor na si Richard Gutierrez, hindi pa raw ginaganap ang finale ng reality show. Live voting daw ang magaganap at live rin daw ito na eere sa GMA 7.
So walang katotohanan na si Moi ang nagwagi sa Survivor. Baka isa lang siya sa dalawa o tatlong outcasts na hindi pa rin natatanggal.
(yaya ni piolo pascual sa speed babad commercial)
Katatapos pa lamang umere ng Survivor Philippines Celebrity Edition ay kumakalat na sa twitter na ang nanalo raw sa nasabing reality program ng GMA ay ang yaya ni Piolo Pascual na si Moi Marcampo.
Ang nasabing leakage na si Moi ang nagwagi sa Survivor Philippines ay nagmula raw diumano sa mga Twitter accounts ng ilang mga kapamilya celebrities.
Pero ayon kay Raymond Gutierrez, ang kakambal ng host ng Survivor na si Richard Gutierrez, hindi pa raw ginaganap ang finale ng reality show. Live voting daw ang magaganap at live rin daw ito na eere sa GMA 7.
So walang katotohanan na si Moi ang nagwagi sa Survivor. Baka isa lang siya sa dalawa o tatlong outcasts na hindi pa rin natatanggal.
Charice at GLEE Season 2 Premiere Red Carpet Event 2010
International pop star and our very own Charice attended the red carpet premiere party of the second season of the megahit American tv series “Glee.”
The 18-year-old Youtube sensation has a recurring role on Glee as Sunshine Corazon, a Filipino exchange student at fictional William McKinley High School “whose killer vocals get Rachel (Berry) contemplating murder.”
In an interview at the red carpet, Charice said her character is very much like her in real life.
“I'm very, very happy that my character is Sunshine. Sunshine is very, very Charice, simple one, shy type,” she said.
In season 2's pilot episode, Charice's character is being pitted to Rachele Berry (Lea Michele).
“We're like frenemies, I think that's the word... and we're gonna sing a very, very big song, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. It's ‘Telephone.’ So, it's gonna be amazing,” she said.
Some folks who were able to witness Glee's Red Carpet Premiere Party twitted praises for Charice:
"Well, Charice just dams kills it." - anndonnahue
"Charice's Sunshine brought down the house with Dreamgirls' Listen. Sh t just got real for Rachel." - tbrick2
"WOW! Overwhelmingly positive response re: Charice at the #GLEE season 2 premiere. Can you say regular? I can't wait!" - Superbad24
"Wow never knew what a great singer Charice is. You gotta 'Listen' ;-)" - Natalie Abrams
International pop star and our very own Charice attended the red carpet premiere party of the second season of the megahit American tv series “Glee.”
The 18-year-old Youtube sensation has a recurring role on Glee as Sunshine Corazon, a Filipino exchange student at fictional William McKinley High School “whose killer vocals get Rachel (Berry) contemplating murder.”
In an interview at the red carpet, Charice said her character is very much like her in real life.
“I'm very, very happy that my character is Sunshine. Sunshine is very, very Charice, simple one, shy type,” she said.
In season 2's pilot episode, Charice's character is being pitted to Rachele Berry (Lea Michele).
“We're like frenemies, I think that's the word... and we're gonna sing a very, very big song, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. It's ‘Telephone.’ So, it's gonna be amazing,” she said.
Some folks who were able to witness Glee's Red Carpet Premiere Party twitted praises for Charice:
"Well, Charice just dams kills it." - anndonnahue
"Charice's Sunshine brought down the house with Dreamgirls' Listen. Sh t just got real for Rachel." - tbrick2
"WOW! Overwhelmingly positive response re: Charice at the #GLEE season 2 premiere. Can you say regular? I can't wait!" - Superbad24
"Wow never knew what a great singer Charice is. You gotta 'Listen' ;-)" - Natalie Abrams
rhey@grace a great friend with a great love!
rhey@grace on PhotoPeach
rhey@grace on PhotoPeach
rhey@grace on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
dengue fumigation
its a bit alarming since on of our neighbor here in farconville dead recently.last sunday actually 2nd year high school student of Sunflower learning center also here at Farconville...thank you for the effort of city healh office for providing that fumigation een though as far as i know fumigation is not advisable since its not good the health of every when we inhale its smoke..godbless us filipino people,,,we take good care
Monday, September 6, 2010
Holdup and Hostage Taking in BDO SM Dasmarinas
Update from
One security guard was killed and another was wounded after armed men allegedly robbed an armored-van at a mall in DasmariƱas town in Cavite province before noon Monday.According to the dzBB radio report, around five armed men, with an undetermined number of lookouts outside the mall, reportedly fled with an estimated P4 million to P5 million in cash.
The initial investigation showed that the personnel in the armored van were reportedly about to load money into an automated teller machine (ATM) when the armed men declared a holdup and shot the guards when they tried to resist.
The report did not immediately identify the injured guards.
The police described the armed men as “brazen” because they reportedly were not wearing masks to hide their identities.
The police have set up checkpoints at the town’s borders in hopes of intercepting the robbers.
There has been no official statement yet from either the bank or the mall.
Mall operations have gone back to normal at around 2:00 p.m. on Monday.
Glee' with Charice debuts on Sept. 21
MANILA, Philippines – The wait will soon be over for Charice fans who are excited to see her sing and act on musical comedy-drama television series, “Glee”.
Charice will be making her debut appearance as “Sunshine” on Glee’s new season.
The New York Post reported that Charice will make her debut in the episode entitled “Audition”.
The Pinay International singing sensation will play the role of a Filipino exchange student. Her character will reportedly be Rachel Berry’s (Michele) biggest rival.
The show will focus on the search for more Glee clubbers resulting in the addition of “Sunshine”.
Glee’s new season is set to begin on September 21. – With Balitang America
NCAA South kicks off in Batangas
MANILA, Philippines – The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) South began its 12th season in Tanauan City, Batangas on Monday.
The NCAA-South, an offshoot of the NCAA-Manila, has the theme “More than the Game. Unity through Sports” this year.
The league has drawn 10 schools for its 12th season—First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH)-Tanauan, Batangas, Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Calamba, De La Salle Lipa, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas, Philippine Christian University- DasmariƱas, San Pablo Colleges-San Pablo, University of Perpetual Help System-Laguna, Don Bosco Technical College-Mandaluyong, San Beda-Alabang and University of Batangas (UB).
Philippine Sports Commissioner Akiko Thomson is one of the featured guests in the NCAA South Opening.
Host school FAITH will go against UB in the opening games in basketball (juniors and seniors) and volleyball (men, women and juniors).
The NCAA South Management Committee, meantime, added an incentive for the participating schools by approving the awarding of an overall championship in the men’s, women’s and juniors’ divisions on top of the usual trophies in the different sports.
The calendar of NCAA South will continue in the second semester when tournaments in beach volleyball, football and taekwondo will be held. Most of the games will take place at the FAITH campus.
More than sports
Aside from holding sports events, the NCAA South also has other activities line up for its opening, including a motorcade, “Robotics in Athletics” exhibition and the staging of the first human LCD in the country.
The human LCD aims to create an illusion of a large LCD television screen with moving images.
The human LCD in NCAA South, which features over 300 students from FAITH, is choreographed by the Aligma Dance Troupe Lipa City.
The Lipa City dance group will represent the county in the World Supremacy BATTLEGROUNDS, a hip hop competition which will be held in Australia in November. – With a report from Sarita Kare, ABS-CBN News Southern Tagalog
UAAP gears for cheerdance competition
The pep squads of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) member schools are ready to strut their stuff on Sunday when the 2010 UAAP Cheerdance Competition gets underway at the Araneta Coliseum.
The Far Eastern University (FEU) Cheering Squad will aim to defend its title against the Adamson University (AdU) Pep Squad, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) Blue Babble Battalion, De La Salle University (DLSU) Animo Squad, National University (NU) Pep Squad, University of the East (UE) Pep Squad, University of the Philippines (UP) Pep Squad, and University of Santo Tomas (UST) Salinggawi Dance Troupe.
The Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion was the 1st runner-up in 2009 while the UP Pep Squad was the 2nd runner-up.
The UAAP pep squads are now calling on their respective school communities to show up at the Big Dome or simply support their bid for cheerdance supremacy.
Several squads made known through their official Facebook pages other ways to support them.
The UP Pep Squad called on UP community members who will troop to the Big Dome to wear a white shirt under a maroon top. They were told to take off their maroon tops and wave them in the air after the UP Pep Squad ends its routine.
The UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe, meantime, invited its supporters to show their support on Facebook by adding Twibbons to their profile pictures.
Fayn Artees, a group of designers that makes UAAP shirts, posted on the FEU Cheering Squad Facebook page that it has limited edition shirts for the 2010 UAAP Cheerdance Competition.
The shirt has the text “I cheer for the FEU Cheering Squad.”
Other words of support and encouragement can be found at the pages of the Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion, DLSU Animo Squad, UAAP Cheerdancers and UAAP Cheerdance Competition.
The Far Eastern University (FEU) Cheering Squad will aim to defend its title against the Adamson University (AdU) Pep Squad, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) Blue Babble Battalion, De La Salle University (DLSU) Animo Squad, National University (NU) Pep Squad, University of the East (UE) Pep Squad, University of the Philippines (UP) Pep Squad, and University of Santo Tomas (UST) Salinggawi Dance Troupe.
The Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion was the 1st runner-up in 2009 while the UP Pep Squad was the 2nd runner-up.
The UAAP pep squads are now calling on their respective school communities to show up at the Big Dome or simply support their bid for cheerdance supremacy.
Several squads made known through their official Facebook pages other ways to support them.
The UP Pep Squad called on UP community members who will troop to the Big Dome to wear a white shirt under a maroon top. They were told to take off their maroon tops and wave them in the air after the UP Pep Squad ends its routine.
The UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe, meantime, invited its supporters to show their support on Facebook by adding Twibbons to their profile pictures.
Fayn Artees, a group of designers that makes UAAP shirts, posted on the FEU Cheering Squad Facebook page that it has limited edition shirts for the 2010 UAAP Cheerdance Competition.
The shirt has the text “I cheer for the FEU Cheering Squad.”
Other words of support and encouragement can be found at the pages of the Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion, DLSU Animo Squad, UAAP Cheerdancers and UAAP Cheerdance Competition.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Sept 10 as non-working holiday: MalacaƱang
Image by Ikhlasul Amal via Flickr
Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said President Benigno Simeon Aquino III has signed Proclamation 26, declaring September 10 as a non-working holiday as Muslims celebrate the "Eid ul-Fitr," or the festivities for the end of Ramadan.
"Eid" is an Arabic word meaning "festivity" while "Fiį¹r" means "to purify." The holiday is thus a symbol of purification after completing the fasting month.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The Ramadan began on August 11 this year and will end on September 10
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Manila hostage update: Coffins of three hostage victims wrongly labeled
09/02/2010 | 02:33 PM
Three of the eight coffins containing the bodies of the August 23 hostage victims were wrongly labeled allegedly because of a mix-up at a funeral parlor in Manila, a Chinese news website reported.
A report of the South China Morning Post (SCMP) said the coffins were flown to the Kwai Chung Public Mortuary on August 25 from a Manila funeral home.
The labeling error was discovered when the families of the victims opened the coffins in the morgue, the SCMP report said.
A separate report by the Associated Press (AP) meanwhile, quoted Social Welfare Secretary Corazon Soliman as saying that, "if there was a mix-up of those names, we apologize."
"It was really the desire to facilitate and bring the bodies to Hong Kong as quickly as possible because that will ease the pain of the families," Soliman said.
In a statement, the Hong Kong Security Bureau said that funeral parlor workers in Manila were most likely responsible for the mistake in the labeling of the coffins, the AP report said.
The Security Bureau did not release the names of the victims who were misidentified, the AP reported.
However, James To Kun-Sun, vice-chairman of the Legco Security Panel, said Hong Kong officials were sent to Manila to take care of details like identification, reception, and the transport of bodies, the SCMP reported.
There was definitely a mistake on the Philippine side but the Hong Kong officials should
take their share of the blame, Kun-Sun added.
The eight hostage victims were killed on August 23 after an 11-hour hostage crisis in Manila.
A dismissed senior police officer, Rolando Mendoza, hijacked a bus carrying 25 passengers, 21 of them were Hong Kong tourists while the rest were Filipinos.
Mendoza was killed along with the eight Hong Kong tourists.
According to the SCMP report, a source said the victims’ bodies were first placed in simple coffins and were correctly labeled.
However, before the bodies were flown to Hong Kong, they were transferred to more elaborate coffins, which was when the mix-up took place, the source explained. – VVP, GMANews.TV
09/02/2010 | 02:33 PM
Three of the eight coffins containing the bodies of the August 23 hostage victims were wrongly labeled allegedly because of a mix-up at a funeral parlor in Manila, a Chinese news website reported.
A report of the South China Morning Post (SCMP) said the coffins were flown to the Kwai Chung Public Mortuary on August 25 from a Manila funeral home.
The labeling error was discovered when the families of the victims opened the coffins in the morgue, the SCMP report said.
A separate report by the Associated Press (AP) meanwhile, quoted Social Welfare Secretary Corazon Soliman as saying that, "if there was a mix-up of those names, we apologize."
"It was really the desire to facilitate and bring the bodies to Hong Kong as quickly as possible because that will ease the pain of the families," Soliman said.
In a statement, the Hong Kong Security Bureau said that funeral parlor workers in Manila were most likely responsible for the mistake in the labeling of the coffins, the AP report said.
The Security Bureau did not release the names of the victims who were misidentified, the AP reported.
However, James To Kun-Sun, vice-chairman of the Legco Security Panel, said Hong Kong officials were sent to Manila to take care of details like identification, reception, and the transport of bodies, the SCMP reported.
There was definitely a mistake on the Philippine side but the Hong Kong officials should
take their share of the blame, Kun-Sun added.
The eight hostage victims were killed on August 23 after an 11-hour hostage crisis in Manila.
A dismissed senior police officer, Rolando Mendoza, hijacked a bus carrying 25 passengers, 21 of them were Hong Kong tourists while the rest were Filipinos.
Mendoza was killed along with the eight Hong Kong tourists.
According to the SCMP report, a source said the victims’ bodies were first placed in simple coffins and were correctly labeled.
However, before the bodies were flown to Hong Kong, they were transferred to more elaborate coffins, which was when the mix-up took place, the source explained. – VVP, GMANews.TV
Image via Wikipedia
To the Hongkong and PRC People,
You hate the Filipino people for the hostage fiasco that unfortunate incident that went out of control at the end. This was a hostage situation that was under control and which netted 7 Chinese tourists to be released upon the efforts of our policemen.
You appear and sound sanctimonious and have even stepped upon our sovereignty. You have demanded apology, the moon and the heavens. You hate the Filipino people as if we wanted this unfortunate incident to happen. First and foremost, we offer our condolences to the families of the 8 that were killed in this incident. Secondly, we are sorry for the bungled handling of this hostage taking. It was unfortunate, it was an accident, we never planned it that way. Is it fair to blame a whole nation for a situation that was never planned? Let me ask you this question, "Should we hate you also for the lead poisoning caused by the paint you used in your baby furniture and toys for the children of the world? Should we hate you also for the use of cardboard in the "siopao" that you sell to tourists? Should we hate you also for the melamine contamination wherein not 8, but hundreds, maybe even thousands have suffered and some even died?
Or, let us talk of Filipino casualties. A few years ago, 3 Filipino tourists, all surnamed Madrigal, a family of 5 were walking on Tienemen Square and Beijing . One Chinese stabbed the father and two of his children, killing all three. Were you even sorry for what this one Chinese did? Did the Filipino people even demand that China apologized for this unfortunate incident. This was PRE-MEDITATED MURDER.
Just as the use of lead, cardboard, melamine was pre-meditated - used because they were cheaper materials, in order to generate PROFITS for the Chinese businessmen. Did you pay damages the same way you are demanding damages from the Filipino nation and people?
Where was the anger of the Chinese and Hongkong people? Did you even apologize to the world? My God in the case of melanine, you even kept this information from the world, until you were exposed for what you are!!!
Enough! We symphatize but don't blame the Filipino people.
So you want to send our OFWs home, that take care of your children? They play an important part in your lives. Both spouses are able to work, earn money because of the tender loving care being heaped on your children by Filipino maids and yayas/amahs. While you pay our OFWs for the work they do, you earn more for the love and care they bestow on your children. Go ahead, send our OFWs home. Let us see how that will affect your family incomes.
~~~ O ~~~ If you love your country, please pass this on to all Filipinos you know. Thanks!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Facebook cops kakasuhan!/photo.php?pid=14445102&fbid=10150259186415713&id=232388115712&ref=nf
MANILA, Philippines - Sasampahan ng kasong administratibo ng National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) ang mga pulis na nag-posing sa hinostage na Hong Thai bus at ipinoste pa sa Facebook ang mga kuha.
Sinabi ni NCRPO Chief P/Director Leocadio Santiago na natukoy na ang nasabing mga pulis na nagpakuha ng larawan kung saan ginamit pang background ang nasabing tourist bus na hinostage ni dating Sr. Inspector Rolando Mendoza.
Sinabi ni Santiago na ang naturang mga Facebook cops ay posibleng makasuhan ng paglabag sa Code of Ethics ng PNP na may parusang pagkakasuspinde at demosyon kapag napatunayang guilty sa kasong administratibo.
Una ng pinuna at ikinairita ni PNP Chief Director General Jesus Verzosa ang nasabing pagpapakuha ng larawan ng mga pulis kabilang ang Scene of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) team.
Ang nasabing posing ng mga pulis sa Facebook ay nagpainit pa lalo ng galit ng pamahalaan ng Hong Kong at ng mamayan nito sa gobyerno ng Pilipinas at sa PNP.
MANILA, Philippines - Sasampahan ng kasong administratibo ng National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) ang mga pulis na nag-posing sa hinostage na Hong Thai bus at ipinoste pa sa Facebook ang mga kuha.
Sinabi ni NCRPO Chief P/Director Leocadio Santiago na natukoy na ang nasabing mga pulis na nagpakuha ng larawan kung saan ginamit pang background ang nasabing tourist bus na hinostage ni dating Sr. Inspector Rolando Mendoza.
Sinabi ni Santiago na ang naturang mga Facebook cops ay posibleng makasuhan ng paglabag sa Code of Ethics ng PNP na may parusang pagkakasuspinde at demosyon kapag napatunayang guilty sa kasong administratibo.
Una ng pinuna at ikinairita ni PNP Chief Director General Jesus Verzosa ang nasabing pagpapakuha ng larawan ng mga pulis kabilang ang Scene of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) team.
Ang nasabing posing ng mga pulis sa Facebook ay nagpainit pa lalo ng galit ng pamahalaan ng Hong Kong at ng mamayan nito sa gobyerno ng Pilipinas at sa PNP.
'ABS-CBN reminds rival networks of Willie's contract'
MANILA, Philippines – Two rival networks had been told by ABS-CBN not to ink an agreement with Willie Revillame, citing the controversial television host’s existing contract obligations with the Kapamilya network, the camp of Revillame has disclosed.
Lawyer Leonard de Vera, Revillame’s legal counsel, said ABS-CBN wrote Channels 5 and 7 to remind them of Revillame’s contract. In its letter, the network also said that it is prepared to take necessary legal actions if they enter into an agreement with the host, he added.
“Sumulat din ang mga abogado ng ABS sa Channel 5 at Channel 7 at sinabi, ‘Huwag kayong makikipag-kontrata kay Willie. Kapag hindi, puwede tayong mag-demandahan,'” de Vera said in his exclusive interview with celebrity talk show “Paparazzi” aired Sunday.
According to de Vera, Revillame also received a letter dated August 18 from ABS-CBN reminding him of his agreement with the network and the possible legal consequences if he refuses to follow them.
“Nag-iba ang complexion ng case. May threat of a law suit already. So, sabi ni Willie, ‘Sino naman ang channel na makikipag-kontrata sa akin na alam nilang merong asuntong aabutin...’ Sa katapusan ng usapan na ito, malalaman kung may karapatan si Willie o ABS ang may karapatan na ipitin si Willie,” the lawyer said.
De Vera maintained that Revillame has the right to end his contract with the network, saying that ABS-CBN purportedly failed to fulfill its obligations stated in the agreement.
“Hindi kami humihingi ng injunction dahil ang feeling namin may karapatan si Willie na to just walkout and say goodbye dahil nga hindi tinutupad ng ABS-CBN ang kanilang usapan,” he said.
“Ang kontrata ni Willie na pinirmahan niya noong 2008, good after 2011, is [he’s] going to be a talent for a particular program called ‘Wowowee,’ with the following compensation package… Ang ginawa nila in-abolish nila ang programa. So, ano pa ang kontrata? Hindi naman sinabi sa kontrata na nakatali ka sa amin for any program,” he noted.
Revillame and ABS-CBN had a falling out following the TV host's outburst last May, when he threatened to resign if the network would not fire fellow Kapamilya talent Jobert Sucaldito.
Revillame got irked reportedly because of Sucaldito's criticisms of "Wowowee."
Recently, he announced that he wanted to end his contract after “Wowowee” went off the air.
He accused the network of treating him “unfairly.” He also lambasted ABS-CBN for allegedly reneging on their initial agreement that the TV host would return to the show on July 31.
Linggit Tan, ABS-CBN senior vice-president for TV entertainment, has already denied that there was such an agreement.
The controversial host has been offered new shows on Channel 2 and sister company Studio 23, but he turned them down.
“Paparazzi” also aired its interview with Revillame, who said he had endured so much for his TV program especially when it was beset with controversies.
One controversy that he cited was the tragedy that hit “Wowowee” in February 2006. Seventy one people were killed during a stampede that occurred before the show’s first anniversary special at the PhilSports Stadium (also known as Ultra) in Pasig City.
He said he had apologized to the victims alone and without any representative from the ABS-CBN management.
“Gabi gabi ho sampung patay pinupuntahan ko. May kasama ba ako? Wala akong kasamang management. Kung sino man ho ang napuntahan kong pamilya ng namatayan na nakiramay ako, alam ninyo po yan,” he said.
“Sa lahat ng ito sinasabi ko na kasi pinagtakpan ko ang management. Ako lahat,” he said.
He went on further by claiming that he also took the blame for the Aug. 20, 2007 “Wilyonaryo” cheating allegation. The show was accused of deceiving the contestants of “Wilyonaryo,” a game portion of the program.
He said he was severely criticized but he took full responsibility even though it was not his fault. He said it was mere “production glitch.”
“Ayoko ng pumasok after the stampede. Ayoko na, pinapasok nila ako… Ayoko ng bumalik sa ‘Wilyonaryo.’ Sabi ko nakakahiya na itong programang ito,” he said.
He also cited his controversial outburst over the airing of the funeral of the late former president Corazon Aquino.
“Hindi ninyo po alam bago ipalabas yan tumawag na ako sa management. ‘Huwag na natin itong ilabas kasi hindi magandang tingnan. Nagsasaya kami [habang] nagluluksa ang sambayanan…' Pagkatapos po noon nag-usap kami ni Linggit Tan,” he said.
“Ang sabi ko, 'Ibigay na natin itong ‘Wowowee’ sa pamilya Aquino.’ Ano ba ang one day na hindi kami nag-show? Alam mo ang sabi mo (Tan) sa akin, kailangan nating kumita,” he added.
Revillame has already sought “judicial confirmation” of his rescission of contract as host of the noontime show "Wowowee."
MANILA, Philippines – Two rival networks had been told by ABS-CBN not to ink an agreement with Willie Revillame, citing the controversial television host’s existing contract obligations with the Kapamilya network, the camp of Revillame has disclosed.
Lawyer Leonard de Vera, Revillame’s legal counsel, said ABS-CBN wrote Channels 5 and 7 to remind them of Revillame’s contract. In its letter, the network also said that it is prepared to take necessary legal actions if they enter into an agreement with the host, he added.
“Sumulat din ang mga abogado ng ABS sa Channel 5 at Channel 7 at sinabi, ‘Huwag kayong makikipag-kontrata kay Willie. Kapag hindi, puwede tayong mag-demandahan,'” de Vera said in his exclusive interview with celebrity talk show “Paparazzi” aired Sunday.
According to de Vera, Revillame also received a letter dated August 18 from ABS-CBN reminding him of his agreement with the network and the possible legal consequences if he refuses to follow them.
“Nag-iba ang complexion ng case. May threat of a law suit already. So, sabi ni Willie, ‘Sino naman ang channel na makikipag-kontrata sa akin na alam nilang merong asuntong aabutin...’ Sa katapusan ng usapan na ito, malalaman kung may karapatan si Willie o ABS ang may karapatan na ipitin si Willie,” the lawyer said.
De Vera maintained that Revillame has the right to end his contract with the network, saying that ABS-CBN purportedly failed to fulfill its obligations stated in the agreement.
“Hindi kami humihingi ng injunction dahil ang feeling namin may karapatan si Willie na to just walkout and say goodbye dahil nga hindi tinutupad ng ABS-CBN ang kanilang usapan,” he said.
“Ang kontrata ni Willie na pinirmahan niya noong 2008, good after 2011, is [he’s] going to be a talent for a particular program called ‘Wowowee,’ with the following compensation package… Ang ginawa nila in-abolish nila ang programa. So, ano pa ang kontrata? Hindi naman sinabi sa kontrata na nakatali ka sa amin for any program,” he noted.
Revillame and ABS-CBN had a falling out following the TV host's outburst last May, when he threatened to resign if the network would not fire fellow Kapamilya talent Jobert Sucaldito.
Revillame got irked reportedly because of Sucaldito's criticisms of "Wowowee."
Recently, he announced that he wanted to end his contract after “Wowowee” went off the air.
He accused the network of treating him “unfairly.” He also lambasted ABS-CBN for allegedly reneging on their initial agreement that the TV host would return to the show on July 31.
Linggit Tan, ABS-CBN senior vice-president for TV entertainment, has already denied that there was such an agreement.
The controversial host has been offered new shows on Channel 2 and sister company Studio 23, but he turned them down.
“Paparazzi” also aired its interview with Revillame, who said he had endured so much for his TV program especially when it was beset with controversies.
One controversy that he cited was the tragedy that hit “Wowowee” in February 2006. Seventy one people were killed during a stampede that occurred before the show’s first anniversary special at the PhilSports Stadium (also known as Ultra) in Pasig City.
He said he had apologized to the victims alone and without any representative from the ABS-CBN management.
“Gabi gabi ho sampung patay pinupuntahan ko. May kasama ba ako? Wala akong kasamang management. Kung sino man ho ang napuntahan kong pamilya ng namatayan na nakiramay ako, alam ninyo po yan,” he said.
“Sa lahat ng ito sinasabi ko na kasi pinagtakpan ko ang management. Ako lahat,” he said.
He went on further by claiming that he also took the blame for the Aug. 20, 2007 “Wilyonaryo” cheating allegation. The show was accused of deceiving the contestants of “Wilyonaryo,” a game portion of the program.
He said he was severely criticized but he took full responsibility even though it was not his fault. He said it was mere “production glitch.”
“Ayoko ng pumasok after the stampede. Ayoko na, pinapasok nila ako… Ayoko ng bumalik sa ‘Wilyonaryo.’ Sabi ko nakakahiya na itong programang ito,” he said.
He also cited his controversial outburst over the airing of the funeral of the late former president Corazon Aquino.
“Hindi ninyo po alam bago ipalabas yan tumawag na ako sa management. ‘Huwag na natin itong ilabas kasi hindi magandang tingnan. Nagsasaya kami [habang] nagluluksa ang sambayanan…' Pagkatapos po noon nag-usap kami ni Linggit Tan,” he said.
“Ang sabi ko, 'Ibigay na natin itong ‘Wowowee’ sa pamilya Aquino.’ Ano ba ang one day na hindi kami nag-show? Alam mo ang sabi mo (Tan) sa akin, kailangan nating kumita,” he added.
Revillame has already sought “judicial confirmation” of his rescission of contract as host of the noontime show "Wowowee."
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